There is no better way to fill a child's day than with fun activities that teach life skills such as fitness, team building and personal excellence. Leduc Minor Softball provides area youngsters with the opportunity to make new friends, acquire new skills and learn a game that provides social opportunities well into adulthood.
We currently play in the Greater Edmonton Minor Softball Association- Dates of play for 2025 are to be determined by GEMSA
Leduc Minor Softball is divided by the following age groups and payment levels. Please note there are top up fees for the 747s.
Learn to Play: 2018- 2019 ($95.00)
U9: 2016- 2017 ($165.00)
U11: 2014 - 2015 ($205.00)
U13: 2012 - 2013 ($235.00)
U15: 2010- 2011 ($275.00)
U17: 2008 - 2009 ($300.00)
U19: 2006 - 2007 ($300.00)
Registration opens for our 2025 Season on December 15, 2024:
We ask that you please register your child for the appropriate age category. If there is a request to adjust, this will be considered on a case by case basis AFTER evaluations.
Any questions, please contact us at
Please see our FAQ page for questions about fundraising, volunteering
We currently have waitlists for the U15 and U17/19 age groups. Please register if you are interested in playing, as we are working towards opening up another team at each of these levels. Our goal is to ensure that all kids who register have a spot to play!!
Our partner in the season, Evolution Sports Excellence has a PROMO CODE for all your equipment needs! You will be emailed the code after registration is completed.
We will no longer be accepting paper/email applications from organizations, families must go online to to directly to apply for jumpstart program. If you have any questions about the process, please contact us and we will support you in proceeding through the process. If you
* Any regular season registration fees still not paid as of April 1st will be subject to an additional $25 late payment fee. Players cannot attend sessions till payment has been received. Registration is not finalized till payment is received. After April 1st, we reserve the right to access a waitlist for the division. Refunds up to April 15th are subject to a $25 administration fee. Refunds up to May 15, 2024 are subject to a 50% of registration administrative fee. No refunds after May 15, 2024